As You Are

Based in North Vancouver, BC, AsUR Counselling (pronounced ‘as you are’ counselling) is a neurodivergent-affirming counselling clinic that specializes in counselling therapy for neurodivergent folks (professionally diagnosed, self-diagnosed, suspected, or questioning) and their loved ones (partners, parents, siblings, friends, and caretakers).

Neurotypes we often work with include Autism (ASD), ADHD, AuDHD, PDA, Sensory Processing Disorder, and HSP (Highly Sensitive Persons).

We honour and celebrate the diverse ways in which people experience and participate in the world. Inclusion, curiosity, appreciation, and empowerment form the foundation of what we do.

No GP referral or formal diagnosis is necessary to work with us. Click here to learn more about how we can support you.

We meet you where you are. This means we can provide short-term therapy, long-term support, and anywhere in between.

LGBTQIA2S+ and polyamorous folks are welcome!

Taking the First Step

Book a Free Consultation with us to see if we might be a fit for what you are looking for. You are welcome to attend by yourself or with someone you trust.

Click here to meet our team of Counsellors.

Neurodivergent Affirming Counselling

  • Pre-diagnosis Guidance

  • Post-diagnosis Care

  • Misdiagnosis & Late-diagnosis Support

  • Screening for Adult Autism, ADHD, and PDA

  • Newly Identified Neurodivergence

  • Gender & Sexuality

  • Work & Career

  • Executive Functioning

  • Depression & Anxiety

  • Overwhelm & Burnout

  • (Un)masking

  • Grief & Loss

  • Complex Trauma

  • Neurodiverse Couples & Partnerships

  • Neurodiverse Families

  • Parenting & Co-parenting Support

  • IEP Support & Advocacy

  • Transition Planning

“Disability, no matter how profound, does not diminish personhood.
People with atypical brains are fully human, with inalienable human rights, just like everyone else.”
— Aiyana Bailin

*We recognize that different people identify with different terms. Every effort is made to acknowledge and honour these identities and preferences in language use. Throughout this website the term neurodivergent, neurodevelopmental conditions, and developmental disability are used broadly to refer to a set of varying neurotypes and conditions that impact someone’s experience, participation, and acceptance in society, such as Autism/ASD, ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity), AuDHD (Autistic and ADHD), HSP (Highly sensitive person), Sensory processing disorder, CPTSD (Complex post-traumatic stress disorder), Dyslexia, Tourettes, Down syndrome, and FASD.